Amerimed SOP
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1.01.02 Attendance/Tardiness

1.01.02 Attendance/Tardiness (Revised 03/2022)


Every employer understands there will be unforeseen circumstances that come up which will affect an employee’s attendance; however, it is imperative that every employee come to work as per their schedule or notify their immediate supervisor the minute they know there is an issue. One call-out puts a burden on the rest of the staff. All personnel are required to report to work at their assigned station on time, showered, in uniform, clocked in, and ready to run calls. Any exceptions to the published schedule must have prior approval by a member of management.



Attendance is recorded and tracked daily and a history is provided for review by the associate and/or his/her supervisor. Additionally, any variance from scheduled shift start, stop, and/or absences are tracked through the company’s Time and Attendance system. Failure to report (no-show no-call) for any scheduled shift for any reason, without proper authorization, will be considered job abandonment and a voluntary termination of employment. Failure to complete a scheduled shift for any reason, without proper authorization for emergency relief, will be considered job abandonment and will result in termination.



Associates must contact the on-duty Shift Commander directly as soon as they realize they will be tardy. Contacting the Amerimed Communications Center is prohibited for providing notice of tardies unless you are a Communications Center Telecommunicator or Dispatcher calling your Supervisor inside the Communications Center.

Each occurrence of being tardy shall be considered an incident and handled as follows:

• One (1) incident will result in a friendly/verbal warning. The associate will be informed of this verbal warning and the written incident will be logged into the associate file. The associate does not have to sign a friendly/verbal warning but must be made aware of the documentation •

• Two (2) incidents in a rolling 90-day period or will result in the next level of progressive disciplinary action which is a written warning #1. There will also be a documented performance improvement plan that spells out the issues, the corrective action required and further disciplinary action to be taken if corrective action is not accomplished. Shift Commander and associate will sign the improvement plan and it will be logged into the associate file.

• Three (3) incidents in a rolling 90-day period will result in the next level of progressive disciplinary action which is a final written warning. After a final written warning, the associate will be placed on probation for the next 30 days for attendance violations. A new or revised performance improvement plan will be documented and signed by both the Shift Commander and the associate. If the performance improvement plan is successfully accomplished, and the associate’s tardiness is no longer an issue, no further disciplinary action is required on this incident.

If after the third incident and the final written warning, and if the improvement plan is not accomplished, the associate’s employment with Amerimed will be terminated.

Tardies are included in the Associate Performance Evaluation. The following Standards will be used in creating evaluations: (Performance evaluation will formally occur once per year on or about the associate’s anniversary date.) The tardy incidents listed are those for the entire one-year time frame

Tardy Incidents Performance Rating

0 –> 5 – Exceeds Expectations

1 or 2 –> 4 – Above Expectations

3 or 4 –> 3 – Meets Expectations

5 or 6 –> 2 – Below Expectations

> 6 –> 1 – Did Not Meet Expectations



If associate has/requires scheduled time off, in accordance with policy, please refer to Section 1.20.2 Time Off.

Any of the following will be considered unauthorized absence:

  • Associate provides notice less than four (4) hours prior to start of scheduled shift
  • Absence on, immediately before or after, any recognized holiday
  • Absence on any date that an associate has previously requested and been denied time off
  • Absence on any date of scheduled shift immediately before or after scheduled time off
  • Absence where associate has provided a false explanation for absence

Absences noted above are not eligible for sick pay.

Absences considered to be authorized may not be eligible for sick or vacation pay at the discretion of the Division Manager.

Absences are included in the Associate Performance Evaluation. The following Standards will be used in creating evaluations: (Performance evaluation will formally occur once per year on or about the associate’s anniversary date.) The absence incidents listed are those for the entire one-year timeframe.

Absence Incidents Performance Rating

0 – 1 Meets Expectations

2 or More Did Not Meet Expectations


Reporting Sick

Associates must notify their immediate Shift Commander as soon as they realize they will not be reporting for their shift on time or at all. See 1.9.1 Injured and/or Sick Associate, Section A

Contacting the Amerimed Communications Center is prohibited for providing notice of sick leave unless you are a Communications Center Telecommunicator or Dispatcher calling your Supervisor inside the Communications Center.

Excessive use of Sick leave, or patterns that reveal high levels of usage periodically throughout the year, will be reviewed with the associate by the Division Manager. Abuse of this policy may result in progressive corrective action.