1.01.01 Associate Appearance
1.01.01 Associate Appearance (Revised 03/2025)
Hair should be worn in a conservative style, washed, and styled in a manner so that it does not fall forward in the associate’s face, obstruct his/her field of vision, interfere with patient care, become a nuisance to the patient, or potential safety hazard.
No visible body piercing (including tongue) should be worn with the exception of the ear area (no more than two (2) per ear allowed). Piercings and jewelry should be of conservative style and are not to extend more than ½ inch below the ear lobe.
No visible tattoos should be worn with the exception of those on the arm. Visible tattoos on the arm cannot be obscene, advocate sexual, racial, ethnic, or religious discrimination and do not detract from the professional conservative image of the company. If a tattoo is found to be inappropriate, covering will be required.
Cosmetics, perfume, or cologne should be used conservatively and not interfere with patient care.
No visible bodily mutilation is permitted.
Excessively full beards are not allowed as it interferes with the effectiveness of personal protective equipment.
The OCE of Amerimed reserves the right to make the final determination as to what personal appearance is appropriate.
Associates should wear appropriate clothing at all times while on duty. Your duty shirt should be clean, serviceable, and free from wrinkles. The shirt should be tucked into the duty pant. The duty pants should be clean, serviceable, and free from wrinkles. Associates should wear black footwear that are either prescribed for EMS/Fire/Police and be free from dirt and debris. The footwear must be black and shined without scuffs or undue wear and tear. The associate must wear a belt, black in color, while in duty uniform.
While inside Amerimed facilities, Field Operations associates may wear an approved tee shirt. It must be tucked in at all times and not be visible outside the station. The tee shirt may not have any offensive language or graphics.
Administrative associates will be required to wear business appropriate attire during regular business hours. Casual attire is allowed on designated days only. Casual clothing includes jeans with no holes but EXCLUDES t-shirts, shorts, and sweatshirts. If unsure what may or may not be appropriate consult with your Division Manager, Operations Manager or OCE.
The upkeep of all clothing required for the job is the responsibility of each associate.
All field associates are required to report to work with at least one spare clean and pressed uniform. Uniforms damaged during the course of any non-duty activity will be the responsibility of the associate for replacement. If a uniform is damaged through course of daily duties, the associate will write up an incident report explaining the event that caused the damage. That report should be submitted to the Supervisor On Duty to be considered for replacement by the company.
At no time shall any shirt, undershirt, jacket, cap, or other garment be worn that contains a logo, service name, slogan or advertisement of any kind other than AMERIMED while on duty with AMERIMED.
Field Operations and Customer Service/Communications associates of Amerimed will be required to wear uniforms while on duty. The following uniform requirements will be standard for each associate. Any associate reporting to work without proper uniform will be required to comply with policy prior to working.
The uniform, in its entirety, must be worn on all trips, standbys, or any duty assignment, unless otherwise specified by management. Associates must be in full uniform while in public view.See 1.16.3 Public or Media Interaction.
Uniforms are purchased for field personnel by the company and therefore are the property of the company. Uniform allowances will start on the associate’s hire date and will renew each following year on their work anniversary. See 1.5.2 Equipment Issuance
The uniform allowance is as follows:
Full-time associates – 3 shirts, 2 pants, 1 belt, 1 cap, 1 jacket
Part-time associates – 2 shirts, 1 pant, 1 belt, 1 cap, 1 jacket
The associate will purchase uniform items online from the Amerimed Company Store to be shipped to the division headquarters. Other uniform purchases (outside the allowance from the company store) must be pre-approved by OCE as unusual expense not available via company store. Single item orders not part of the uniform package (single hats, additional jackets, etc.) must be approved by OCE and paid for through payroll deduction.
AEMS Class “A” Uniform
**Class “A” Uniform Shirt
Blue Pants
Black Shoes
Black Belt
Black Socks
Shoes or boots will be black and have hard soles, be kept clean, odor-free, and polished at all times and shoelaces will be tied at all times while in public. Hush puppies, suede shoes, tennis shoes or other footwear variations will be allowed for medical purposes, but must be pre-approved by management. Socks/stockings must be navy or black, if visible.
Belts must be worn, at all times, as part of the uniform. They should be black in color and of a public safety style. Belt buckles must be plain and large, decorative buckles or other decorations are not permitted. Suspenders are not permitted.
Uniform shirts are to be worn while on duty and are to be clean and pressed/ironed. Tee shirts may be worn under the uniform shirts. Approved tee shirt colors are white only. Printing or designs on the T-shirts are not permitted except for official Amerimed t-shirts.
Class “A” EMS Uniform shirts:
Class “A” uniform shirts are red with company patch sewn on the left sleeve and appropriate certification patch sewn on the right sleeve. Management level associate’s “Dress” uniform shirts are white, short sleeve or long sleeve with company patch sewn on the left sleeve and appropriate certification patch sewn on the right sleeve. They are of the button up style and are to be buttoned to at least the second button from the top at all times while on duty. Shirttails must be tucked neatly inside the pants with the only exception being for pregnant associates, who may wear a maternity shirt or a square tailed shirt outside the pants.
MIH uniform shirts:
MIH Field associates may choose to wear healthcare style scrubs embroidered with the Amerimed logo. Or, they may wear company authorized polo-style shirts with the Amerimed logo. Pants should either be matching scrubs or Navy colored dress or casual pants.
Additional Accessories
Dress uniforms include navy blue neck ties for male associates and navy-blue cravat tie for female associates.
Company issued personal identification badges shall be worn by all field associates on the right side shirt pocket or right side epaulet
Pants are to be navy blue dress or uniform work pants. Dress uniform pants should be worn for special occasions as deemed by management. Pants are to have no visible patches, designs, or insignias (with exception of Amerimed logo) . They are to be clean neat, pressed/ironed, without rips, tears, stains, missing belt loops, or worn, faded areas. Pants will be worn over the boots or shoes. Blousing of pants into the top of boots is unacceptable.
All uniformed associates may wear an approved uniform jacket while on-duty. Official AMERIMED Jackets with Company logo are the only approved jackets. Patches from other agencies/companies are not allowed. In extreme winter weather conditions and as approved by the associate’s immediate shift commander, associates may wear heavy jackets or other extreme weather outer garments that are not normally approved. “Wooley-pooley” style sweaters are the only approved over garment other than coats.
Navy blue or black baseball-style or plain knit hats may be worn while on-duty and must be worn square and straight. They must be plain and without pins, patches, or insignias, other than an approved company or industry recognized EMS or MIH logo. Flat billed rims are not allowed.
Special Conditions
During cold weather, insulated long underwear shirts or turtleneck shirts are not acceptable while wearing a short sleeve shirt exposing the arms and the long underwear. Long sleeve shirts should be worn if using long sleeve undergarments.
All supplemental clothing should take into account a professional appearance and are subject to management approval. (e.g., scarves, gloves, sweaters, etc…) Other than company-issued or approved, there will be no pins, buttons, badges, or additional patches worn with the uniform. Company service or approved pins should be worn on the left above
the pocket and centered. Other items must be approved by management.
Unless engaged in the use of vehicle extrication tools or equipment, fire turn-out gear may not be worn while on-duty.
Any time an associate is on the scene of a traffic accident or other incident involved being on a roadway, it is required that the associate wear the reflective traffic vests.
Pregnant Associate Uniform Policy
Female associates who are expecting may wear a modified uniform throughout their pregnancy.
A standard class A uniform shirt should be altered to allow the shirt to be worn untucked. The shirt should not extend more than 4 inches below the waistband of the waistline of pants and should be a hemmed edge. Maternity pants in dark blue or black may be worn